Q41: Can I present your resume to a client?


Q41: Can I present your resume to a client?

The short answer is, call or email me, and get my permission FIRST.

The long answer is, call or email me, and get my permission FIRST. I require contract staffing firms, agencies, and in-house recruiters to obtain my permission FIRST, on a client-by-client, and contract-by-contract basis, BEFORE presenting my resume to a client, any client.

These resumes and FAQs are provided to enable you to determine possible matches with your or your clients' needs. Possession of this information doesn't constitute authority to present it to a client, or to act as my agent in any other way. Why? Because I need to know where my resumes are.

Can you put my resume on your web site or letterhead, for prospective clients or visitors? No, you cannot. Possession of my resume doesn't constitute authority to act as my agent. Call me, and ask my permission first, on a client-by-client, and contract-by-contract basis.


For Rob's resume, click here or here.

Contact Rob

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